Example models, generated code, timer implementations
and more will be availabe here for download.
Examine generated C source code here.
This code was generated by MC-3020 from the example Autosampler
model. This code matches the code you can download below.
Autosampler generated code in tarred
and gzipped format
contains example generated code that you can download, gunzip,
untar and examine on your own machine. A win32 executable is
in bin/rox.exe.
Autosampler generated code in zip format
contains example generated code that you can download, unzip and
examine at your leisure.
Example TIM bridge in C
is a simple, compact implementation of Shlaer-Mellor timers
for use with MC-3020. Modify to taste.
This zipped MC-3020 Users Guide or
this gzipped MC-3020 Users Guide is
the latest available version.
Example BridgePoint model of Autosampler
in SQL format. This model is simple enough to comprehend
quickly, yet represents a real-world system. Download and
import into BridgePoint Model Builder.
Two OOA domains and two realized
external entities are in the
file Download the zip
file, import the two models and follow the instructions in
the README contained therein. These models illustrate
bridging and the use of enumerated types.