Change Highlights

MC-3020 2.0 has added support for the features of BridgePoint 5.0 and has fixed problems discovered in 1.x versions of MC-3020.


Feature additions for this release focus on supporting the extensive new feature set of BridgePoint 5.0 including polymorphic events, domain functions (synchronous services), operations, mathematically dependent attributes and more. Please see the latest version, 1.4, of the BridgePoint 5.0 Feature List for complete details on the enhancements put into this release. The feature list is available on the Project Technology, Inc. web site at BridgePoint 5.0 Feature List

Bridging into OOA domains can now occur without "Funky Bridge Objects" (although FBOs remain supported). Domain functions ("synchronous services") can serve as bridges into the domain. Interface declarations are generated automatically and can be included by user code or code from other domains. This results in a much cleaner bridge.

The new user callout function UserEventNoInstanceCallout( current_state, next_state, event ) has been added to provide a home for detection of events landing on instances that no longer exist. This situation can indicate a modeling error. The new callout enables attention to be drawn to this usually erroneous situation. UserEventNoInstanceCallout has the same signature and is designed to behave exactly the same as UserEventCantHappenCallout.


Field Issue 188: String Arithmetic

MC-3020 is targeted to the deeply embedded control marketplace. Full support for all flavors of string arithmetic has the potential for drawing in additional string library code making the linked image larger. Focus has been placed more on enumerated types, user-specified precision and bit fields over string manipulation. However, incorrect string manipulation code needs to be corrected.

A fix has been supplied to the field and is part of the 2.0 release. Simply, binary string arithmetic should now be correctly supported. result = s1 + s2 + s3 is not supported. However, the Escher_stradd change provides for commutativity of addition.

  /* ASSIGN s1 = 'ROX' */
  Escher_strcpy( v1, "ROX" );
  /* ASSIGN s2 = 'Software' */
  Escher_strcpy( v2, "Software" );
  /* ASSIGN s3 = s1 + s2 */
  Escher_strcpy( v3, Escher_stradd(v1, v2) );
  /* ASSIGN s4 = 'ROX' */
  Escher_strcpy( v4, "ROX" );
  /* ASSIGN s5 = s1 + 'Software' */
  Escher_strcpy( v5, Escher_stradd(v1, "Software") );
  /* ASSIGN s6 = 'ROX' */
  Escher_strcpy( v6, "ROX" );
  /* ASSIGN s6 = s6 + 'Software' */
  Escher_strcpy( v6, Escher_stradd(v6, "Software") );
  /* ASSIGN s6 = s6 + 'Inc.' */
  Escher_strcpy( v6, Escher_stradd(v6, "Inc.") );
  /* ASSIGN s7 = 'Software' */
  Escher_strcpy( v7, "Software" );
  /* ASSIGN s7 = 'ROX' + s7 */
  Escher_strcpy( v7, Escher_stradd("ROX", v7) );

Field Issue 252: Prioritized Event in Transformer

Event priority uses Self to boost its way toward the front of the event queue. Self was not accessible within a transformer. MC-3020 already maintains counts of the various types of events being generated. So a method was provided in system.arc (Escher_GetSelf) which accesses a static containing the target of the most recently dispatched event. This method is used in transformers to access Self when priority events are generated.

  ABC_TEST_U_XYZ_s * self = (ABC_TEST_U_XYZ_s *) Escher_GetSelf();
  /* GENERATE T_K2:'Finished'() TO t_cal_inst */
    ABC_TEST_U_K_Event2_s * event2 = (ABC_TEST_U_K_Event2_s *) Escher_NewOoa
    Event( (void *) v1, &ABC_TEST_U_K_Event2_sc );
    SetEventSendingInstance( event2, self );
    Escher_SendEvent( (OoaEvent_t *)event2 );

Field Issue 255: CARDINALITY Selecting Through Supertype

SELECT MANY related by one->MANYSUPER[R1]->SUB[R2]
returned more instances than it should have. A check on the relationship navigation was missing in one place in the selection fragment generator. MC-3020 generated the direct reference instead of the navigate method.

  /* SELECT MANY cs RELATED BY a->B[R1]->C[R2] */
  { /* Start navigation scope */
    S_B_s * pc8_B_R1;
    Escher_Iterator_s iter8_B_R1;
    Escher_IteratorReset( &iter8_B_R1, S_B_R1_From_A( v1 ) );
    while ( (pc8_B_R1 = (S_B_s *)Escher_IteratorNext( &iter8_B_R1 )) != 0 )
      S_C_s * p9_C_R2 = S_C_R2_From_B( pc8_B_R1 );
      if ( p9_C_R2 && !Escher_SetContains( &v10, p9_C_R2 ) )
        Escher_SetInsertElement( &v10, p9_C_R2 );
  } /* End navigation scope */

Field Issue 256: Lost Destination Event

This was not a bug but a question raised in a discussion. It was claimed that MC-3020 was behaving correctly. This claim is true and has been true for all versions of MC-3020.

In MC-3020, an enhancement is provided to allow the user to detect when events are attempting to be delivered to instances that no longer exist.

  /* Instance validation failure (object deleted while event in flight) */
  UserEventNoInstanceCallout( current_state, next_state, event_number );

Field Issue 258: Container Deallocation

This bug was introduced in the support for the break, continue and return action language statements.

The container deallocation problem is another name for the "break, continue, return" problem. Break, continue and return action language statements result in generated code that under some circumstances involving SELECT MANY followed by a loop containing a break, continue or return can leak instance containers (a.k.a. containoids). This leads to a failure when all containoids are exhausted.

A fix and patch was delivered for the field. Version 1.3.2 contains this fix.

The fix to the 1.x version is effective but somewhat inelegant and brute force in the archetypes. It defines a macro at the beginning of an action using break/continue/return that knows how to clear the reference sets. At the end of the action, the macro is invoked to clear these reference sets.

    Escher_CopySet( &v2, pG_BCR_S_extent );
    /* IF (CARDINALITY s_set < 5) */
    if ( (Escher_SetCardinality( &v2 ) < 5) )
      /* BREAK */
      { /* Container deallocation. */
        Escher_ClearSet( &v2 );  /* 's_set' */
    /* END IF */

In 2.0, MC-3020 knows about "blocks" and deallocates containoids in a fashion more like a stack machine. Reference sets are cleared as they go out of scope.

Field Issue 261: Compatibility between MC-3020 and MC-2010 SARD

This was not a bug. However, it is good for MC-3020 to behave the same way as MC-2010 in this case.

The value of a reference variable after a loop is not well defined. Action language which assumes a value when there is no break is following a loose practice. Note that after a break statement, the reference variable will contain the expected (current) instance.

The (simple) change to the archetype leaves the reference ("loop") variable untouched for an empty set. The variable will contain the last instance in non-empty sets.

  /* FOR EACH b IN bs */
    Escher_Iterator_s iter6_B;
    S_B_s * S_B_siter6_B;
    Escher_IteratorReset( &iter6_B, &v5 );
    while ( (S_B_siter6_B = (S_B_s *)Escher_IteratorNext( &iter6_B ))
!= 0 )
    { v2 = S_B_siter6_B;
    }  /* while 'v2' */
  /* END FOR */

Note that this code adds the use of a temporary automatic which will increase the size of the code by an instruction or two.

Field Issue 265: Select from Associated to MANY Associator

This is a bug/shortcoming and a current modeling restriction. This has been the behavior of MC-3020 since its first release (1.0).

Further investigation/development is required. Selecting the many associator from the associative object is much easier in a foreign key, database oriented design as in MC-2010. The optimized pointer reference strategy in MC-3020 makes this a tough problem. A design is currently being considered.

Field Issue 266: CARDINALITY instance_ref

This was a bug discovered by internal testing. CARDINALITY inst_ref returned 0 when needing 1, 1 when needing 0. Early testing of CARDINALITY focused on reference sets while EMPTY/NOT_EMPTY testing focused on simple instance handles.

  v2_a = SELECT_OA_Create();
  /* IF (CARDINALITY a == 0) */
  if ( (((v2_a) ? 1 : 0) == 0) )